So this is the last blog of the ABAD. It was great, even though I could hardly ever keep up with it, but I finally did! It's nice to get on and read what people have done during their days, but it's also going to be nice not being on the computer so much, it can be so addicting. Hopefully most of us will keep doing it, maybe now it'll be a bit easier since there's not going to be a blog Nazi watching if you blogged everyday! :) But anyway, it was fun fellow bloggers, till the next time.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Last night after church service a couple of us went to Denny's. I got the French toast slam, and it was so good. We got home and watched the news for a bit, then I went to bed. At about 3:45 am my stomach started to hurt so bad. I went to the restroom and I couldn't take the pain. I yelled for my husband and he went to watch me because I felt like I was going to pass out. I started getting chills, but yet I was sweating. It was such an ugly feeling. I sat there, and I looked at my feet and they were turning blue! After awhile I was starting to feel better, so I went to lie down, but then I was up again. I got up about 2 more times after that, until I finally feel asleep. I don't know what happened, if I got the amoebas like Ms.Jeanie or what! My husband said that it was probably some food poisoning, whatever it was, I don't ever want to get that again. I'm just glad that this happened here though, and not in Louisiana! Thank you my baby for being there for me.
We're home
We got home yesterday at about 2pm and am I tired! We had been staying up late and waking up early so I think it caught up to me. The drive wasn't so bad, it's just loooong. It was a much needed vacation, away from everyday life. But I'm happy to be home, it's time to get back to reality. I'm dreading balancing the check book! It'll be ok:)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Almost Home
We went to Lake Charles today. We went bowling, then to eat, then shopping. We have been eating like pigs! My stomach hurts! but as soon as we get home, I am going to start walking and hopefully join the gym. Time is going by fast. We'll be there by the time you know it. I know you all are missing us:)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well it's Sunday and we've been at church, we are on our way there in a minute, but I hadn't blogged so I just wanted to take some time and let you all know that we are doing so good over here. You don't realize how much you need and miss your friends until they move so far away. Not that they are our only friends, but there is a bond there that can not be described. Keep praying for us. We'll be home soon, hopefully time doesn't fly by too fast.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Having a good time
The church service was great last night. There was shouting and running around, it was great. We are having so much fun over here with our friends. We miss everyone, but we can see all of you any time! :) We're just going to take advantage of every minute that we have with them, time seems to be going by so fast. Please keep praying for us.
Friday, January 25, 2008
We're Here!
WE MADE IT!!! We're finally here, the trip was a good one, it was actually a short one. I'm so happy to see my friends. We had a good time of fellowship last night, and well the week is young so there will be plenty more laughs. Just wanted to let you all know that we thank you for your prayers, my deer whistlers did the job keeping the deer away, but I think it attracts birds! One came out of nowhere and hit our van :) Keep praying for us.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Our Church
I had been wanting to make a slide show of our church, and here are the few people that I could find pictures of. Mind you, I do have lots of pictures because my husband loves to take them, but most of the pictures are of people caught off guard and I didn't want to use those. So for now this will do until I can get good pictures of everyone. I really wanted to do this because Kelly, Ms. Kim's sister, gets on our blogs and now she can put faces with names. And also my sister in law April used to come to our church but she's now in Dallas, so this will keep her up to date with all of us. Today we will be traveling to Louisiana, so don't forget to pray for us. I love you guys.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I've been packing and getting things ready all day. I can't wait to get to Louisiana, and see my bestest friends! You guys all better be praying for us, especially for our vehicle. I went to get some deer whistler things today, that has always been a thing of mine, hitting a deer or rather a deer hitting us. I guess I watch too much tv, but still I'd rather be safe than sorry. But really, please keep us in your prayers. Don't miss us too much!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Baseball Players
Monday, January 21, 2008
Isn't He Wonderful
We went to the revival meeting at Central tonight and it was AWESOME! I love to hear loud, hard, preaching and that's exactly what it was. Bro Phil Dunn is the one preacher that I love to hear, and boy can he sing as well. Hearing them tonight makes me realize that what I'm going through is petty. We have a big God who does wonders..... and I worry about the little stuff. pffffft! Well starting tonight I'm going to try not to. I'm going to try to just leave it to Him and let Him handle it the way He sees fit. And I do say try because I'm human.
He is wonderful. We serve an awesome God.
Pray for me
My heart has been hurting like it never has before. Yesterday at church I just stopped to think about all the different people that have come into our lives and how each one of them affects us in some way. I couldn't help it, and I had to let it out. I hadn't prayed and cried for all these people like I should be. I can't answer all the questions that I have in my head, or in my heart. Why do things happen the way that they do? Why are we as Christians, that have the same God, act so differently? We are to be in one accord. I can't help but think about the situations that happen and wonder why? Why are our families so messed up? Why do people choose to follow their own well being instead of others? Why can't people just get up and go to church when the doors are open? So many questions, and I know that the only one that can answer me is God. I do know one thing, good ole Bro Sammy Allen said, a lot of these things happen because we aren't filled with the spirit. How can we be filled with the spirit, if we don't have fellowship with our Saviour. We don't read our bible like we should, we don't pray like we should, we don't go to church like we should. Please pray for me, I have this sadness and I really want it to go away.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I really don't have much to blog about. It's been really cold, and all I do is stay home. I didn't even go walking yesterday morning because it was so cold. We're getting ready for our trip to Louisiana. I'm so excited! I can't wait to see the Yanez family. The fellowship is going to be great. I am also looking forward to eat some of Melinda's burgers. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Well that's all I got for right now, I have to think of more to blog about for later, because I'm behind again.
Friday, January 18, 2008
I know, I know, I missed another day, but I will make it up today, I HOPE! Well I was reading my husbands blog this morning and he left out a very important detail, maybe he left it out because I said that it was blogging material, but either way its important. Yes we went to home depot, then we stopped by Boggus to look at the trucks, and yes I said lets get the trailblazer even though J says no tray nada, or however you spell it. Anyway, when we look at any vehicle we always look at the back seat! (get your minds out of the gutter lol) We have kids that are getting bigger everyday, and they are starting not to fit in the back seat. My husband is so tall that he puts his seat all the way back and whoever sits behind him, their legs get crammed. Well anyway we're looking for something roomy, and so my husband is getting in the back seat of these cars, he fixes himself in there, closes the door, looks around, so on and so forth. He does this to every car. He gets to one car, he does the same, gets in, closes the door, looks around, and as I'm sitting in the car waiting for him, I don't see him getting out! I started to laugh then thought, He's locked in! I get out to see what's going on, and sure enough, he gets out of the other door!! LOL The child lock was on from the side that he was sitting on! It was so funny! Anyway I think that this was good blogging material, what do you think?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Today was a busy day, not like working or cleaning, but just being out. Ms. Kim and I went to do a visit in the hospital, then we went to the funeral home to be with Gabby. The thoughts that went through my head as I was out. First being at the hospital makes me thank God for not being sick, and then being at the funeral home, well just so much goes through my mind at that place. I think that's the hardest place to go to. There is so much sadness, so much pain. I didn't know what to tell the family, or even Gabby. At that moment, as Ms. Kim said, the best thing to do is to just listen. We're not promised tomorrow. We could be gone as we're reading this. As I have said before, my heart has been so heavy with thoughts of lost loved ones. That could of been my family at that funeral home, have I done all that I could to win all my family to the Lord? We need to do our best to tell as many people as we can that the yearning that they have inside is that of the need of Saviour. Isn't it wonderful that we know him? But are we doing our part? As I was talking to Gabby she told me, "I never thought that this could happen in my family." And she's right. It could be any of us. Keep praying that the Lord use us all in mighty ways, but for His honor and glory. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers always.
Trying to catch up!
Well yesterday was an ok day. I love the weather like that, rainy, cloudy, as my husband would say lovey dovey weather. There was a lot going on yesterday, things that only God could get me through, and as always He did. I really wasn't in the blogging mood so that's why I didn't, but things are better now, and when I started to read everyones blogs I realized that I missed it. But I thank God that He gets us through all these different times of our lives.
He is able!
Monday, January 14, 2008
It's my birthday!
Three years ago today, I was born again! Yup, I got saved January 14, 2005 at about 8:15 pm in Odem, Tx at Bible Baptist Church under the preaching of Bro. Sammy Allen. It was the best day of my life! I thought I was saved before that, it was all my doings that made me think that I was. But that wonderful night, the Holy Spirit showed me that I was a wretch! I still am, but now I'm a saved wretch! I have so much to learn and to live up to, but I thank God for His mercy and His grace, because He knows exactly what I am, where I am spiritually, and my hearts desires, and I will eventually be where He wants me to be. Thank you Lord for saving my soul!
I caught up...again:)
I'm trying to catch up on my blogs, and right now I'm sitting here waiting for the laundry to come out, so I'm going to come up with something.
I didn't want to wake up this morning, but of course I have to take David to school, and I have to go walk. So I went to walk, solo, and came home to clean. It never ends, but someone's got to do it. I've got a job just like the rest of you! :) Ok that's all I got, but I still have to blog later!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Well I still can't over the preaching that I heard Friday night. It makes me realize where in life I am, and where I should be. I can't help but think about the things that happen in our lives, and how they affect us in so many ways. I've noticed that in the blogs that most of us have written they've been about love, we have so much to be thankful for, but I think that love is the most important. Where would we be without each other? Without our family and friends. For the laughs, but even for the shoulders to cry on. My heart has been very heavy for my lost family members. I think about my dad and my older brother, because I'm not sure that they're saved. We have talked to them, but pride takes over them, and they don't want to hear anything about it. I think about the people that we ask for prayer on Wednesday nights, how it hurts so much to know that we could be gone tomorrow and these people that we love and pray for won't be with us in heaven. Let's keep praying for them, even if they are the last people that we would do anything for. There life depends on us.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
God is Great!
I was going to blog yesterday before we left to church, but I was busy, so I didn't get to it. So I'm up early trying to put one in because then I'll fall behind... again. Well church was so great. I always love to go see Bro Sammy Allen he is a great man of God. As you probably read on my husbands blog, Johnny got saved last night. That was so awesome. The one thing that scares me is that I have a lot to do with the things that usually go on and don't go on in the house, and if I want to I can change things to end up going my way. Well some people might not believe this, but my husband sticks to his guns almost all of the time, and well the scary part is I could of told him not to go get Johnny yesterday that way we could of left earlier and that would of been the end of that. But I thank God that my husband just did what he knew that he was supposed to do and went to get him. Because of me, he might not of gotten saved last night, it would of been on me. His blood on my hands. We might not ever think about the situations in our lives that we change all because of what is said, or how we act. If I would of been my old self, not that I'm perfect now, we would of been on our way to Odem without him, but thank God for mercy and grace, and everything went just as God planned for it to go.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Busy, busy, busy
Today was a busy day. First Ms.Kim and I went walking at the trail, Lucy had been telling us that she goes there, so we decided to check it out. It was nice, but scary, we kept looking in the arroyo to see if we could see any bodies floating around! Anyway afterwards I came home and started to clean, wash clothes and just try to put things away. I would like to find the people that say that housewives don't do anything, so that I can smack them! It's hard work. But I'm done now, and I finally took a shower, so it's a good day.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My Sis
Today I spent the day with my sister. We used to spend everyday together, but since she got a job, it's every now and then. We went to every store that I can think of, just looking around, laughing and talking. It's so nice to have someone that you're able to talk to, especially when it's family. She's my only sister and I think that's probably best because I don't know if I could handle anymore girls, it's bad enough we got Anmaree! :) We always have so much fun together, and she always buys me (us) everything, because I'm the little sister!:) My kids are very blessed to have her as their aunt because she goes nuts with them. She loves them like her own. Not everyone can be like that, I can't! She's got a really big heart. I remember when she was lost, I used to tell her that she would make a very good Christian because she was always so giving. She's the type of person that would give you the shirt off her back, literally. When we were younger we used to fight all the time, and I never thought that we would be close like we are now. But I'm glad that we are, and I'm happy to say that she's saved now. I love you sis.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I'm caught up!
I didn't want to wake up today, but I have to take David to school and then I go walking. I usually get to the lake at about 7:11 am and Ms. Kim will get there about 7:20. Well today I was waiting for Ms.Kim to show up but she never did. So I just started to walk "solo", I was almost done with my fourth one when I see Ms. Kim. She starts asking why I was walking without her. I looked at her and said "because you're late." She's like, I'm not late, I'm here my normal time. It was so funny! (you had to be there) She was really an hour late and didn't even know. Well since she had just started I decided to keep walking with her so I walked eight and a half miles today, she told me I could stop, but I didn't, you know the whole motivation thing, anyway now my legs hurt so bad. We also checked out another gym, but it wasn't as good as the first one we saw. So get ready Lucy, as soon as Ms. Kim gets the go ahead we're joining. And oh yeah, Sal, I'm caught up now:)
Big Boy
Yesterday we went to home depot to go get that screw for Ichabod, and as we're walking in David tells me, "mommy I'm such a big boy!" and I just looked at him and smiled. He then tells me " I'm a big boy because I can button my own pants!" I started to laugh. So now you know you're a big boy if you can button your own pants. Now if you don't zip your zipper, then that's another story I guess! :)
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Gym
I'm behind one post, and I have to catch up because I'm always reminded!:) So here it is, today Ms.Kim and I went walking, but afterwards we went to go check out the gyms. We went to one that my husband wants to join but they still don't have the womens side up, so we went to another one and it was one that we had in mind, you know women only, different machines, that kind of stuff. While we're standing there talking, a well known lady walks in to do her work out. I look at Ms.Kim and tell her, "that's Martha Benavides". (My husband would of been lusting the whole time if he were there, but then maybe not because she wasn't wearing make up, and everyone knows what us women look like without makeup!(well most of us:) So anyway, we might just join this gym, not because "Martha" goes there, but because it's one we liked! Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Back to Normal
Tomorrow everything should finally be back to normal. The kids go back to school and my husband will be working all week. I am going to miss them, but it just seems like everything is out of place. Well we put the kids to bed early since they have to wake up early but of course they don't ever fall asleep right away, anyway I walk into their dark room, that's only lit with a Mcqueen night light, and I go in to check on them and I say, "are you all asleep?" And David from behind me says"no". He's up playing on his dresser with his cars, in the dark! This kid is so funny. I had to keep from laughing, but he finally did get in the bed. He's probably still awake as I type this, boy is he going to be tired in the morning, but he's still going to school!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
My Mom
Well today has been a very busy Saturday, but it's been a good one. I have spent most of the day with my mom, I haven't done that in a long time. I used to do it all the time, but I just slowly stopped. There's not any particular reason, I just like to be home with my family. I was thinking about her today on how my mom is getting older. It's kinda scary, I never thought that my mom would be that age, and that I would be this age. It just occurred to me that I need to spend as much time with her as I possibly can because I don't know how long I have with her. No, there isn't anything wrong with her, but I would hate to think that I could of spent more time with her, but didn't. Who knows, she'll probably outlive me, but just in case.....
She means the world to me, to all of us kids I should say. I love her, even though she drives me nuts sometimes, but then I probably do the same to her:) What can I say, she's my mom and I couldn't of asked for anyone better. I thank God for her, and for saving her: far from home, in a place that we would of never imagined; in Louisiana, under Pastor John Yanez:)
Friday, January 4, 2008
Health Kick
For those of you who don't know, I have been on a "health kick" for 4 months to the date, and I have lost 31 pounds. It is so exciting. Yes, I still eat what I want, but I try not to over do it, and I also go walking, 5 miles everyday but Sunday. When I first started I weighed 198. I now weigh 167 and am trying to reach a goal weight of 150, but I would like to weigh 135, because that would be considered healthy for my height. Like I posted on the diet blog, it's not so much on how I look, but to be healthy. I had been getting chest, leg, and back pains, my toes were starting to get a numb feeling and I also had a pinched nerve. I say had, because I no longer feel those pains. Thank God. So here's to a new me! But all for the Glory of God.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Louisiana Memories
Last night at about 11pm the kids were with the camcorder and they stumbled across a video that we made when we moved the Yanez family to Louisiana. :( It was so great to see it, I had forgotten that we had it. We laughed so much with the things that we had recorded! But the best part was just to be able to see them and all the fun that we were having with them. Wow, how we miss them so much. But thank God for the memories. They might live far away, but they are so close in our hearts:(
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
Well I didn't start my first post on the 1st, but I guess better late than never huh? Well yesterday was a good day. I spent New Years Eve with Ms. Kim and the kids, we had so much fun! It's true.......A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... We left there about 2 am, came home and slept late. (I forgot to mention that Lucy brought us some strawberry cake, and IT WAS SO GOOD! :) I got up about 11, and then had lunch with Lucy and Ms.Kim, and that was great as well. It's always nice to spend time with just the girls. So anyway that was yesterday, it was a good way to start the new year, with family and friends!