Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm caught up!

I didn't want to wake up today, but I have to take David to school and then I go walking. I usually get to the lake at about 7:11 am and Ms. Kim will get there about 7:20. Well today I was waiting for Ms.Kim to show up but she never did. So I just started to walk "solo", I was almost done with my fourth one when I see Ms. Kim. She starts asking why I was walking without her. I looked at her and said "because you're late." She's like, I'm not late, I'm here my normal time. It was so funny! (you had to be there) She was really an hour late and didn't even know. Well since she had just started I decided to keep walking with her so I walked eight and a half miles today, she told me I could stop, but I didn't, you know the whole motivation thing, anyway now my legs hurt so bad. We also checked out another gym, but it wasn't as good as the first one we saw. So get ready Lucy, as soon as Ms. Kim gets the go ahead we're joining. And oh yeah, Sal, I'm caught up now:)


Sal said...

cool Dee. glad you caught up. and maybe kim is stil in Day Light Saving mode...


also, is this the all girl gym u joining?

DeeDee said...

@sal yup, all girls.

Preachers wife said...

I still haven't found tha hour! Yes, Jay all GIRLS!

Sal said...

didnt know a thing exists. getting the SS cleaned as we speak. gonna have to cruise by at closing time..

LUCY said...

D I'm there so hurry it up but wait what are their hours?

I work 9 to 5 member?

juan said...
