Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hello fellow bloggers and readers. I know, I know, it's about time, but I really do have a good excuse, well excuses I should say. I have been really busy. I haven't had much time to sit down and do anything for awhile now. My boys have started baseball, and with that comes practices, games, tournaments, and so on. I have been going to the gym in the mornings and right after the gym I have been spending most of my mornings with my mom, ever since she broke her wrist, she has the mornings off from work so we spend that time in prayer........... LOL YEAH RIGHT, we spend it eating breakfast! (we should spend it in prayer though!) Then it's off to pick David up from school, then my hubby gets home for lunch, after that I'll do laundry, clean, or whatever needs to be done. And if that isn't enough, my husband has started remodeling our house, and he's doing all of the work, but I'm right there with him, just in case something is needed. So there you have it. I really have been busy. But boy does it feel good to blog. I missed it. I think we need to start another blog a day thing, just not this week cuz I'll be busy:)