Friday, January 18, 2008


I know, I know, I missed another day, but I will make it up today, I HOPE! Well I was reading my husbands blog this morning and he left out a very important detail, maybe he left it out because I said that it was blogging material, but either way its important. Yes we went to home depot, then we stopped by Boggus to look at the trucks, and yes I said lets get the trailblazer even though J says no tray nada, or however you spell it. Anyway, when we look at any vehicle we always look at the back seat! (get your minds out of the gutter lol) We have kids that are getting bigger everyday, and they are starting not to fit in the back seat. My husband is so tall that he puts his seat all the way back and whoever sits behind him, their legs get crammed. Well anyway we're looking for something roomy, and so my husband is getting in the back seat of these cars, he fixes himself in there, closes the door, looks around, so on and so forth. He does this to every car. He gets to one car, he does the same, gets in, closes the door, looks around, and as I'm sitting in the car waiting for him, I don't see him getting out! I started to laugh then thought, He's locked in! I get out to see what's going on, and sure enough, he gets out of the other door!! LOL The child lock was on from the side that he was sitting on! It was so funny! Anyway I think that this was good blogging material, what do you think?


Preachers wife said...

How funny I wish i could have seen it.ROFLOL

Sal said...


i dont know whats funnier, the mind in the gutter thing or juan having to leap to the other side.... LOL

oh and on his blog he said it was Tracker not a Trailblazer. I thought he wanted to sport a tracker like JC...

juan said...

@ J, tracker trailblazer same thing, lol, Hey Baby you jacked my blog from your blog your really talented. it was funny though completely forgot about it. Tracker pfffft, If I got in you would need the jaws of life to get me out.

Sal said...

jaws of life... LOL


LUCY said...

That was so funny D, where was the camera though??