Thursday, January 31, 2008

Till we blog again!

So this is the last blog of the ABAD. It was great, even though I could hardly ever keep up with it, but I finally did! It's nice to get on and read what people have done during their days, but it's also going to be nice not being on the computer so much, it can be so addicting. Hopefully most of us will keep doing it, maybe now it'll be a bit easier since there's not going to be a blog Nazi watching if you blogged everyday! :) But anyway, it was fun fellow bloggers, till the next time.


Sal said...

the blog nazi never quits!!!

Adriana Sujey said...

The time on the computer part is true. Look, it's 11:51 p.m. and where am I? No te digo!

LUCY said...

I'll miss it though D and I know it's addicting. I have never sat in front of a computer so much, but I have to admit I really enjoyed it.