Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm 4 today!

You read the title right.... today is my 4th birthday. At about 8:15 tonight, 4 years ago, I was born again! During a revival meeting in Odem, TX I realized I was lost, a sinner, on my way to hell, I got a tug on my heart that I will NEVER forget. You know, I thought that I was saved before that time. We had started going to church in 1999 and I was doing all I was supposed to do, and not doing the stuff I wasn't supposed to do. I thought I was in! When Bro Mark is up there preaching I think on how he always says, "what might they say, they think I'm already saved!" That was me! We were there with our best friends and that did cross my mind. But I thank God for Holy Ghost conviction, something that I had never experienced before, and that He just led me to do what I needed, which was to call on him no matter what people thought. And of course, no one even said anything, everyone was so happy. And the next day, the 15th, my best friend was also saved! So to us, Happy Birthday to me and Melinda! Isn't it wonderful to know where you will spend eternity!


The Preacher said...

I never forget the drive home that Friday, Melinda was under conviction. I am happy you guys got saved

Sal said...

happy birthday!

Melinda said...

I was going to call you but i've been so busy! that's what i get for saying i am so bored at work! we had to turn in all our tax papers yesterday and i have been working overtime and then with revival! forget it but anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Happy Be-lated birthday, I want you to know that I love you and thank you for all that you do!!!

juan said...

happy birthday

Adriana Sujey said...

Happy Be-Lated Birthay! I've still got a lot to learn, and I feel you're one I can learn from :)