Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Yesterday my husband came home from work, to work on my car. He put the car on the ramps, and got underneath to fix the problem, and by the time I knew it, Mikey and David ended up underneath as well. It was nice to see them trying to help their daddy fix the car. They would fight about who was going to give him whatever it was that he needed. Well they must have gotten bored, because not long after that, Mikey was skateboarding and David was thrown on the floor in our "kitty litter" as we like to call it. Our driveway is sand, and the cats come and do their business there, which I really hate, but David loves to roll around in the sand, and throw it up in the air. He has a blast. We try to make sure that he doesn't pick up anything that might look a bit suspicious, but other than that it looks ok! LOL We had fun just watching our boys run around, fall down, and just have a good time. These are the days that I won't ever forget.


Sal said...

kitty litter? lol. you guys are so funny.

Rhonda Gibson said...

Laughing, what great memories you are creating D2!

juan said...

Love those guys I praythey remember these moments.