Monday, October 22, 2007


It's cold outside! I love the cold weather, but only for a while. I was talking to Ms. Kim and she was making fun of me because she says I think that 70 degrees is cold. But it is! How many of us think that its cold? I am more than sure that's all of us, we're so used to the 100 degree weather. This cold front might not last long, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I can. It's time to break out the hot chocolate and sweet bread. (Yeah I know, I'm on a diet!) But anyway, enjoy the weather everyone. And to Ms. Kim, IT IS COLD!


juan said...

Brrrrrrrrr baby, it is cold, for us texans ok mexicans. ok hispanics whatever it's cold. Its caldo time.

Anonymous said...

I will admit it is a little chili, but not cold enough to have a coat, (like I have seen our neighbors wear today LOL). This is normal weather in NC, but not so windy, it is just cold not windy. Know what I mean???

Preachers wife said...

Ok, it is not cold it was a wonderful day. Just perfect for a fall day. I loved it, and hope it stays awhile,but I dout it will. It will be 95 tomorrow.

Sal said...

yeh, today was pretty nice. but it seems we always get lots of wind. it was to cold for me to have the windows down while driving but to hot to have them closed with A/C. So i just opened the sun roof and it was perfect.

LUCY said...

Well I loved it,can't wait for more. I was actually wanting to put on my beanies. I love those things have a lot. ha ha

Preachers wife said...

What is a beanie?