Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our Anniversary

Today is my 11th year wedding anniversary, and it has been a great day. The best part is that my husband and I have been together all day. I want to take time to brag on my husband a bit. We haven't always had the best of times, but it gets better as time goes on. What can we say, we're human and are always going to have problems, but we always seem to get through them. And that's all God. My husband has always been a hard worker. It is so hard to try to get him to get a day off for whatever reason. He could be sick, in the hospital, with kidney stones, but as soon as he's released, he goes back to work. I love him for this, because I know that he is going to do everything possible to be my provider. To some people, we might not have the nicest or best things, but they are all mine, and we have them because of his hard work. But the thing that I love about him the most is that he is the best dad ever. My boys love him so much. He is hard on them, but they know its because he loves them. He can be so tired from work, but he will still go outside and play with them. He can sit in their stinky room for hours playing PlayStation with them, or just roll around on the floor and wrestle them. He is, in my eyes, the best dad. God definitely had us picked out for each other because I don't think that anybody else would be able to put up with us. I know that our marriage isn't perfect, but I wish that everybody could be as happy as I am. And Sal, I'm glad that we make you sick, because that means that we're doing something right! LOL


DeeDee said...

@ p.w. I got some earrings, in a beautiful heart shaped jewelry box.

Preachers wife said...

How sweet. I just knew you would get a gift card to K-mart

juan said...

@pw you have to say something dontcha leave my pastor alone. @ dee dee thanx for thos kind words my love, love you.

LUCY said...

Your words about Juan gave me that tingly feeling,is that weird? Maybe I'm falling in love with the both of you,kidding.

DeeDee said...


Sal said...

yeh. making me sick still.

juan said...

@ j We will see how you will be making people sick he he