Saturday, September 15, 2007

Work Saturday

Today was our work Saturday at church, and it was great! We had so many of our young people there, that the work got done so fast. I can't stress it enough, it was great! The yard usually gets cut by Ms. Kim, and if there's a work Saturday, nobody shows up, expect for our family and Ms. Kims family. (I'm not bragging, its for the Lord!) It always takes us a long time to finsih doing everything, but today it went so smooth. Everything was done in about an hour and half. It was a blessing to have everyone there. Of course I have to thank Eva, because she's the one that had all the kids there, but I have to especially thank the kids, because if they were like most teens, they wouldn't be caught dead cleaning up the church or cutting the grass. They would be sleeping in late, or just out with their friends. So thanks kids. You really made our day. My husband, Ms.Kim and I, got to take it easy today. It was really nice. Most people just go to the services and leave. They don't ever stop to think about what's going on behind the scenes. Who's cutting the grass? Who's cleaning the church when the rotation list is over? Who decorates? Who pays the bills? Who fixed the toilet? Who painted the walls? We could all be one of these people, and do something great for the Lord. Not for the reward, or for the praise, but for the Lord.


juan said...

Aman, There goes my blog on the ones that didn't show up shame on you. Even teens that dont even come to church.Its ok I guess you had other stuff more important than to work for God. Yeah U will remember HIM when U need HIM right.

Preachers wife said...

Oh man your harsh. Kids thank you so much for your hard work. you too Juan and DeeDee. your great friends. God Bless..

juan said...

Not harsh the truth

Anonymous said...

I went on my blog and I wrote thank you to the teens. i didn't copy yours, i read yours after. I am so sorry though!

Anonymous said...

@everyone.....I'm with you in this one.... may God trully bless our (Grace Baptist)children for taking time to do God'S will, and apreciating what GOD has done for them. Love Ya!!
@DeeDee... All to the glory for GOD!! Wouldn't have done it with out HIM!