Sunday, September 2, 2007


I am excited about the preaching that went on today. There was singing, shouting, testifying, preaching, it was all great! It was good to be in the house of the Lord!


juan said...

Spirit was moving in both services it was really nice

Preachers wife said...

It was a good service

Jean Kincaid said...

Man,O, man, I missed it. I have been a longing to be in a good service like that. To be fed spiritually and then leave the church and not be able to wait till me meet again. That's good times. Thank you, Lord, for making your presence known to your children. I've got some special prayer request I hope you guys will help me pray about. The church in Progreso still is not settled. We received a call sunday from one of the men and he said the music in the church had gotten way out of hand with bongo drums, real drums, electric guitars, etc. Not good. Then we got word yesterday, Rhonda and I, that another good friend and author buddy, DiAnn Hunt, has B-Cell Non-Hodgeskin Cancer. Then my passport has been delayed, so maybe the Lord wants us to finish the work in Progreso and get it right this time, I don't know, but I know I'm tired of the inactivity. And we both LONG to see the people on the Island, yet all roads keep getting blocked so whats up with that!! Anyway, I have a lot on my mind and would appreciate your prayers for us, the church and fr DiAnn. Love you guys.

juan said...

@gramma will do. I will be praying for Lords Will.

Sal said...

Morning Service 9-02-07
Jesus Cannot Be Hid

Evening Service 9-02-07
Do You Love The Lord Enough

DeeDee said...

@ gramma, I think the Lord just wants you here close to us, that's why you haven't left yet! Even though we don't want you to leave, I'll still be praying for the Lords' will.

Anonymous said...