Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of School

Well today was the first day of school for my boys. Mikey is in the sixth grade and David is in Pre-K. It is so funny to me to have one going to middle school, and the other just starting elementary, but that's what happens when you wait so long to have kids. Anyway, I really thought that David was going to have a hard time, you know since he's always with me and now he wasn't going to be. But boy did he surprise me! He wanted to walk to school, alone, and when I didn't let him do that, he told me to leave him in the cafeteria and I could go. It was funny. But of course I didn't leave him, I still stood away from him, far away, and watched him. He was eating breakfast, then he got up, took his tray and placed it where it went, then got his backpack and sat down. It didn't bother him one bit that he was leaving me!! I am glad that it went well though, there were many kids crying for their moms, but not my son, he did really good. By the way, it really didn't bother me either. I guess we were both ready for this. And also, its only half a day, so its like he's taking a nap or something.
Mikey on the other hand was very nervous, which is understandable because its a different, bigger school. He wanted to get to school early, and I asked him if he wanted me to sit in the car and wait awhile, but he told me it was ok. Well its only the first day of school, so we'll see how the rest of the year goes. Pray!!


Preachers wife said...

How sweet I can't believe that he didn't cry. now you need another one, or two P.W.

DeeDee said...

@preachers wife, I DON'T THINK SO!!

Preachers wife said...

I'll baby sit

Sal said...

@p.w. will ya babysit mine to?

DeeDee said...

@p.w. ok you said it, I will need you to babysit mostly at night, so I can sleep!
@Sal, hey you better hurry up and have kids, cuz you won't need us to babysit,our kids will be old enough to babysit for yours!