These are the kids from Grace Baptist Church, well most of them anyway. I love this picture. It is so nice to see kids play and take care of each other like they do. I pray that they will grow up in the shadow of the Lord, and not forget the things that we have taught them. (They better not forget, because my husband, Ms.Kim and I, are their sunday school teachers!) But anyway, take a moment and look at our beautiful kids, the future of Grace Baptist Church! We love them all! (not all our kids are shown, we still have lots of teens, and more babies!)
Friday, August 31, 2007
Our Future
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Following God
Today I was thinking about my best friend Melinda. Most of you know her, but for those who don't, she's a very crazy girl! Well I was sitting at my desk reading every ones' blog, when I got to Ms. Kims' and read the comment from her sister, I just started to think about Melinda and about how much I love her and miss her as well. When they had first told us that they were moving, we were devastated, but we knew that it was Gods' will and that they had to do it. I have known her for about 7 years now, and we have been very close. She's like my other sister. She's also like Davids' other mommy.(I think he likes her more though! You can't talk about his princess!) Thinking about her, also makes me think about Ms.Kim and how they just left it all to do what God wanted them to do. I say this because I don't know if I would be able to leave it all. Friends and family, homes and Churches. But I commend you two women, for following your husbands, doing Gods' will, and changing/touching the lives of some many other people. Obviously God knows what He's doing, when he takes you and places you with other people that will need you as much, and even more, than the other people that you left behind.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
"My Heart told me to cry..."
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Cleaning Day
Well today was my cleaning day. Really everyday is a cleaning day, but today I really went through the house and cleaned, you know the dusting, sweeping, mopping, cleaning out the refrigerator, getting down in the toilet, and bath tub, moving furniture, that type of cleaning (also throwing away A LOT of junk, that my husband likes to bring home from work, I always tell him, "they threw it away for a reason!", but that's a whole other story that I might write about later!) And while I was cleaning, I was listening to the Concord Baptist Youth Choir and can you get filled with the spirit, just singing those beautiful songs! I love to listen to peoples testimonies, and these songs are filled with that. So I want to take time and thank God for saving my soul. Thinking back to what I was, it's so shameful, but I'm now a child of the King!
Monday, August 27, 2007
First Day of School
Well today was the first day of school for my boys. Mikey is in the sixth grade and David is in Pre-K. It is so funny to me to have one going to middle school, and the other just starting elementary, but that's what happens when you wait so long to have kids. Anyway, I really thought that David was going to have a hard time, you know since he's always with me and now he wasn't going to be. But boy did he surprise me! He wanted to walk to school, alone, and when I didn't let him do that, he told me to leave him in the cafeteria and I could go. It was funny. But of course I didn't leave him, I still stood away from him, far away, and watched him. He was eating breakfast, then he got up, took his tray and placed it where it went, then got his backpack and sat down. It didn't bother him one bit that he was leaving me!! I am glad that it went well though, there were many kids crying for their moms, but not my son, he did really good. By the way, it really didn't bother me either. I guess we were both ready for this. And also, its only half a day, so its like he's taking a nap or something.
Mikey on the other hand was very nervous, which is understandable because its a different, bigger school. He wanted to get to school early, and I asked him if he wanted me to sit in the car and wait awhile, but he told me it was ok. Well its only the first day of school, so we'll see how the rest of the year goes. Pray!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday Morning Message
Well this mornings message was awesome! I know it was for me. I could not stop thinking about the people that we had gone out to visit yesterday. I had met this one lady, her name is Lorena, and she was telling me how she was very excited to see "Christians" out giving the gospel. She said she always has the mormons and JW's going to her door, but that was the first time that she ever had a Baptist knock on her door. She said she came from a christian background, but had fallen away from it, and now she was living in sin with a man that beats her and has another family. She told me that she wished that she could of stayed with her family and stayed in the christian atmosphere that she was used too. She started to tell me her problems and about how rough she had it, then she turned her face and said "see." She had a big cut on the left side of her face, like from a knife, and you could tell it was recent. She said she knew that God had sent me to her door, because it was something that she needed. She had been out of church for awhile and that she needed to get back into it. She had two baby girls with her, and said she knew that they needed something better. So pray for Lorena, she seemed so sincere, but tired of how her life was going. Like Bro. Mark says, "if you reach only one person, it's worth it." Maybe she'll come to our church, but if not, she knows that we're out there. And it was worth it.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Saturdays are visitation days. We go out door knocking; inviting people to visit our church, but most importantly, giving the gospel. I was always so embarrassed to go out soul-winning. (I felt like I was out selling something!) I don't know if everyone feels like this when they first go out, or maybe even after so many times of going out, but I couldn't get myself to knock on peoples' door, give them a tract, and tell them about Jesus. I would hope that the people weren't home, or wouldn't answer so that I could just leave the tract on the door. And when they would come to the door, I would be so nervous, that I would just give them the tract, say very little, and walk away. I would tell myself, "you have such a big mouth, use it!" But I still couldn't/wouldn't do it.... until recently! I now have this desire to tell people about Him, by the way, this is something that I have prayed for, and He answered! I enjoy going out on visitation, and God has taken those feelings away (I still get a bit nervous though.) That doesn't mean that when I'm out somewhere I start telling everyone about Him, so pray for me. With His help, and your prayers, I can be the witness that He wants for me to be.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Here I Go......
Well, I had been saying that I was never going to start a blog, but then SAL kept saying to do it, and my husband started one, then Ms. Kim started one, and so did Laura, so I decided to start one today. I think this is what they call "peer pressure!" I told Sal that I had nothing to write about, and he told me to start a cooking blog!! Which of course, I knew that a couple of people would be laughing at that, (but yes, Melinda and Ms. Kim, I DO COOK!), so this isn't going to be a cooking blog! Anyway, this is my first posting, so we'll see how it goes.