Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm 4 today!

You read the title right.... today is my 4th birthday. At about 8:15 tonight, 4 years ago, I was born again! During a revival meeting in Odem, TX I realized I was lost, a sinner, on my way to hell, I got a tug on my heart that I will NEVER forget. You know, I thought that I was saved before that time. We had started going to church in 1999 and I was doing all I was supposed to do, and not doing the stuff I wasn't supposed to do. I thought I was in! When Bro Mark is up there preaching I think on how he always says, "what might they say, they think I'm already saved!" That was me! We were there with our best friends and that did cross my mind. But I thank God for Holy Ghost conviction, something that I had never experienced before, and that He just led me to do what I needed, which was to call on him no matter what people thought. And of course, no one even said anything, everyone was so happy. And the next day, the 15th, my best friend was also saved! So to us, Happy Birthday to me and Melinda! Isn't it wonderful to know where you will spend eternity!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

This world

As I'm posting this, 2 police cars just whizzed by my front window. I can't get over what this world has turned into it. Last night, on our way to GC, Ms. Kim and I were talking about that girl that got shot at the HEB by my house. You know I was on my way to the store that night because we were gonna have a fellowship, but I called Ms. Kim and she said that she had already gotten everything that we needed, so I didn't have to go. This was about the exact time that everything was happening. God is so good, and He had it all planned from the very beginning, exactly where I was supposed to be at that very moment. There is so much violence now. Just last night we were talking to the missionaries and they were saying how in Mexico they are also having a hard time with the violence. What can we do, but go out and keep telling people about the ONE who saves! Please don't forget to pray for our community, and for our officers, I should just say for the nation as a whole. I've got a brother in law who works for the San Benito PD, and I would really appreciate your prayers for him. Thanks

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Ticket

So the other day I was on my way to Mike's CT scan appointment, at 8 am, when I saw a police car in front of me turn around, and what do you know.... he was coming after me! I kept telling Mike, "oh man, he's coming!" Sure enough he turns on his lights and I pull over. He tells me that I was speeding, going 41 on a 30. Mind you this is my FIRST TICKET EVER! I can't believe it. So now I have to go to see the judge Monday morning. I can't stand the fact that I will be giving away about $140 for nothing! (you know what I could do with that money) I didn't realize that I was speeding, but I was, and now I have to pay the price. Lesson for the day: don't speed! Oh, and buckle up! (Sal)

Monday, January 5, 2009

People Search

The other day I was thinking about our friends the Andersons. We met them at our first church, which was Central. We used to do a lot of things together, at that time Mikey was about 6 and their son was about 10 or 11, so we would go to the park, and other places so that the boys could play. They are also the people responsible for my yard! I used to suffer from anxiety and I couldn't seem to keep it under control, so I used to plant strands of grass in my yard, that came from their yard. It seemed to help, so I did the entire front yard! It was a good way to keep my mind off of the anxiety, but then I became obsessed with grass, everywhere I would go and would see a strand of grass sticking out somewhere I would take it! I'm over that now! My anxiety finally went away thanks to prayer, and my front yard is totally done! Since I had been thinking about them I decided to call, but their phone was disconnected. Then I had remembered that they were talking about moving. I then decided to do the Sal Yanez thing and look them up online, and I FOUND THEM! They live in Virginia where their son, now 18, goes to college. There is now so much catching up to do. Also, it was so exciting to find them, that now I'm gonna start looking for everyone that I can think of!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Today was a good day, we didn't do much, but just spending time with the family is soo good. We got up very late, I won't say what time, cuz it was really late! Then we went to the church, I cleaned and my husband fixed the bus. Then my husband had been wanting to take the kids to Peter Piper so off we went. We sat there and not much was said, but it was still nice being all together. How we've come to understand each other even when nothing is said, a smile here, a nod there, just peaceful.
I had been having conversations with people that I love, and how I wish that they could have peace. It seems like an ongoing battle for them, and it breaks my heart. I can't come to grips on how they can live like this... why must they choose to live like this? I know we all have problems, but why do some people want to hurt the ones that they love. Is it really because they don't know how to love? Or because they don't know the ONE who loves? My heart goes out to them. It seems so long for anything to happen, for something to change. But then I think that God has made these people that have these battles so different from me, because I probably would of just given up. Please pray for these people, the ones that want peace from all of this, and also for the ones that just don't want to give in, they know that they are causing heartaches but just choose to keep doing what they want. I don't find it fair that the people going through this are the people that seem to do so much for everyone else. How I wish that I could just jump in and save them from this, but I can't. I can't do anything but sit there and listen, then come in from talking to them or get off the phone and cry for them, for what they go through. I can't wait for the day when there will be no more tears, but until then we must keep praying. Please pray for them with me.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


First of all Happy New Year! This year started off really good. We went over to Ms. Jeanie's house and had lots of wonderful fellowship and lots of wonderful food too! I don't know how this blog everyday is gonna go, but I'm gonna try. I haven't made any resolutions, because I know I won't keep them, but the two things that I do plan to do this year is not to just read my bible, but to study through it in the year, and to lose 10 pounds. So here's to a new year of getting closer to the Lord. Pray for me!